
Regulatory Compliance

Data Protection
  • We consult clients on the General Data Protection Regulation, which has become directly applicable in all Members States of the European Union as of 25 May 2018.
  • We review our customers' business processes by making recommendations for their application to applicable law.
  • We perform legal audits and inspections of personal data processing. With the help of our IT partners, we can offer a comprehensive compliance audit service.
  • When necessary, we carry out data protection impact assessments.
  • We prepare and review client documentation related to the protection of personal data (prepare policies, procedures, records of processing activities, agreements, privacy notices, etc.).
  • We provide Personal Data Protection Officer service.
  • Our services include consultation of clients on the matters of legal protection of personal data, preparation of internal corporate documents regulating the processing of personal data and performance of any other actions related to the protection of personal data.
  • We represent the interests of clients in any disputes related to the legitimacy of processing of personal data.
  • Over the years, we have been successfully consulting one of the largest hypermarkets on the use of personal data, organisation and technical means for the protection of personal data and legal matters of data protection. We have prepared a package of documents to this client on the matters of direct marketing and use of loyalty cards.
  • We have provided services to hotels, logistics companies, private clinics, temporary employment and recruiting companies, and many other companies and public authorities in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Publications | Deals | Cases


Asta Macijauskienė

Svetlana Naumčik
Associate Partner

+370 5 248 76 70

Data Protection Officer

We provide Data Protection Officer services and perform the following functions:

  • Consult the Client about the obligations to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (the GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws;
  • Prepare and review the Client's personal data protection documentation;
  • Monitor compliance with the GDPR and other applicable data protection laws, awareness-raising and training of the Client's staff involved in processing operations;
  • Advise on data protection impact assessments and, when necessary, carry them out;
  • Cooperate with the State Data Protection Inspectorate and act as the contact point on issues relating to personal data processing;
  • Upon the Client's decision, notify the State Data Protection Inspectorate of a data breach;
  • Carry out other relevant tasks as described in the GDPR or requested by the Client.

Publications | Deals | Cases


Asta Macijauskienė

Svetlana Naumčik
Associate Partner

+370 5 248 76 70

Administrative Disputes


Vilius Mačiulaitis

Vilma Sabaliauskienė

Mantas Mikalopas

+370 5 248 76 70

Economic Crimes


Audrius Pėstininkas
Associate Partner

Building Permits


Vilma Sabaliauskienė

Product Certification


Vilma Sabaliauskienė

Occupational Safety
  • In 2015, we provided consultations to the Ukrainian Government with regard to the transposition of the EU occupational health and safety directives into national law.
  • We represent the managers of companies and branches and other persons in charge of occupational safety in pre-trial investigations and criminal cases.
  • The attorney-at-law Vilius Mačiulaitis has worked in the State Labour Inspectorate for over 12 years and has been directly involved in both the development of occupational health and safety legislation and their practical application.
  • The lawyers of our firm are regularly invited to share their experience at occupational health and safety conferences in Lithuania and abroad.


Tomas Bagdanskis
Managing Partner

+370 5 248 76 70

Vilius Mačiulaitis

Consumer Rights
  • We have represented a consumer in a dispute regarding termination of consumer purchase and sale agreement and reimbursement of the money paid. In a part of litigation costs, the dispute reached the Supreme Court of Lithuania. In its Ruling No 3K-3-647-248/2015 of 9 December 2015, the Supreme Court of Lithuania noted that, in reducing the awarded litigation costs, the court of appeal instance unreasonably focused on one of the criteria – the amount of the sum asked to the awarded. By cancelling the ruling of the appeal instance whereby the litigation costs were considerably reduced, the Court relied on the following arguments: first of all, the dispute was settled in extra-judicial procedure, it was settled to the benefit of the claimant, however, the defendant failed to perform the instructions of institutions involved in the examination of dispute (State Non-Food Products Inspectorate and State Consumer Rights Protection Authority); after the claims of the claimant had been met on the basis of court order, the defendant submitted oppositions and, as a result, the case was examined according to the dispute proceedings, the defendant ignored the right of consumer to recover the money paid for the product of inadequate quality, thus, the legal aid costs incurred by the consumer were largely conditioned by the behaviour of the defendant.


Eglė Višinskienė
Associate Partner

+370 5 248 76 70